-- For law firms rolling out Salesforce for the first time
Implementation will generally consist of the following phases:
- Negotiating a license with Salesforce appropriate for your firm's needs and user base
- Configuring data fields, layouts, tabs, reports and dashboards based on the documentation created during Discovery.
- Data migration
- Required integrations
Upon completion of Implementation, you are ready to move to Training.
-- For law firms already using Salesforce
Implementation will generally consist of configuring and customizing data fields, layouts, tabs, reports, dashboards, and/or integrations, to address the "pain points" identified during Discovery that are preventing your firm from realizing the full potential of Salesforce.
Depending on the scope of work identified during Discovery, you may wish to stage Implementation in phases. Constraints on Implementation timetables include:
- Budget
- Availability of users affected by changes for consultation and training
- Concerns regarding the ability of users to assimilate too many changes at once
However you choose to stage Implementation, once a defined phase is completed, you are ready to move to Training to introduce and acclimate users to the changes.